School of the moment

  • Headmasters Welcome

    You are welcome to Tepa Senior High School. The School with a touch of EXCELLENCE in Quality Education.
    We would like to thank you for visiting our website. We have a mission of producing confident, able and responsible citizens and future leaders. Whoever you are, as a stakeholder, we hope you will find this website interesting and it will provide you with most of the information you seek about the school. Watch this space for more information, upcoming events and notices. You may also visit our needs’ page to see what you could donate to the school. Thanks for your support over the years.

Recent News

  • House one crowned 2023 Inter-House Athletics Champions

    Congratulations to everyone who participated in yesterday's House Athletics Carnival. House one are Overall Athletics Champions, Thanks and congratulations to Mr Howard and the Health & Physical Education staff who ran such a wonderful carnival. ...

  • First Term Examination

    First Term Examinations
    This year first term examinations will take place in the 13 week(12th – 19th December); this will ensure all course content has been delivered and revision has taken place. Further information regarding Examinations will be available shortly.

  • Inter-House Athletics Carnival

    Update: on: November 24, 2023

    There are eight Houses in the Tepa Senior High School. A large part of the fun of these sporting competitions is the costumed themes and House cheering led by the Captains of each House. House Spirit is equally as important as competitive points. Inter-House competitions encourage our outstanding athletes to begin the road to representative level, cheered on by their peers, while also inviting everyone in the School to have a go, be active and admire determination, no matter the result. Of course the House relays bring out the best of competitive rivalry and are hotly contested! ...

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Our Vision

Raising transformed Students for National Development


To become a leading Learning Centre of Academic Assistance for the realization of the Learners' Potentials.

Core Values

Hardwork, Integrity, Discipline and Excellence